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Asking for help

In this day and age asking for help with something is as simple as a internet search. Search engines publish their most searched results and among them are "how do I..." statements.

If you can rememember the last time you were faced with a tough task, were you triumphant? asked to information or assitance? Did you leave it unfinsihed beucasue you were unsure what to do? Often times the internet will not offer personalixed repsonses.

Among the top search results are health questions. According to CNN heatlh

"focus with ADHD, "how to cure depression", How to stop a panick attack" are among the top searches.

We use this simplle search method to ask questions from the "experts" on the internet nearly everyday. But do we ask for help in our daily lives?

How often are we shopping at a store and when asked if we need something we reply "just browsing" or "just looking around" and not knowing where to find the item in the store.

Or experiancing a loss, tough time, financial troubles or employment burnout. Thinking to ourselves "I don't want to bother them", "they wound't understand", they wouldn't let me take those days off"

What about not asking for help around the house and feeling resentful, go out of your way for friends who do not return the favor. Even disliking a once enjoyable job becuase it's demanding overtime and extra hours.

With so much going on around use we often are too focused or distracted, and often neglect to think about what could've been done to improve our situation or handle things differently to achieve desired outcomes. Even with achivening the desired outcome, what was the cost? Emotional turmoil, stress, fatigue.

The tought it out mentaltiyy is engrained in many of us, and perseverance in a strong trait to hone. But Asking for help is a skill that takes pracining to fell comftable but you willl find that it is our superpower.

As with internet serach engines, the help you are looking for will yield the results your looking for.

Could I have save time or money in the store, fostered and maintained healthy relationships, enojy my job again.

There isn't a benficial reason to hold it all in but many reaons for share, collobrate and empower yourself.

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